Wednesday, September 22, 2010



A. Dunia Pendidikan Konvensional Indonesia

Secara umum Dunia Pendidikan memang belum pernah benar-benar menjadi wacana yang publik di Indonesia, dalam arti dibicarakan secara luas oleh berbagai kalangan baik yang bersentuhan langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan urusan pendidikan. Namun demikian, bukan berarti bahwa permasalahan ini tidak pernah menjadi perhatian.

Upaya-upaya peningkatan kualitas mutu serta kuantitas yang membawa nama pendidikan telah dilakukan oleh pihak pemerintah, walau sampai saat ini kita belum melihat hasil dari usaha tersebut. Apabila kita melihat dari sudut pandang nasional atau alias yang umum-umum saja jadi marilah kita lihat apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah biasanya bersifat konstitusional demi mendapatkan lulusan dari sekolah yang kompetitif dan siap bersaing secara global, semisalkan dengan menetapkan angka batas minimal kelulusan UAN dengan nilai sebesar 4,00 dengan tidak digabung dengan poin pada ujian praktek ditambah lagi tanpa ujian praktek. Pada hal ini bukannya kita menemukan pemerintah berusaha untuk memperbaiki mutu pendidikan melainkan nampak sepertinya pemerintah hendak menjegal generasi kita.

Apabila kita amati dengan seksama, apa sebenarnya yang menjadi inti permasalahan pada dunia pendidikan, mungkin jauh lebih sulit dari menggantang asap. Berbagai hal dapat saja dipersalahkan sebagai pokok masalah yang menghambat kemajuan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun demikian, yang jelas-jelas dapat kita temukan sebagai suatu kecacatan ialah proses belajar mengajar konvensional yang mengandalkan tatap muka antara guru dan murid, dosen dengan mahasiswa, pelatih dengan peserta latihan, bagaimanapun merupakan sasaran empuk yang paling mudah menjadi sasaran bagi suara-suara kritis yang menghendaki peningkatan kualitas pada dunia pendidikan.

Ketidakefektifan adalah kata yang paling cocok untTuk sistem ini, sebab seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pertukaran informasi menjadi semakin cepat dan instan, namun institut yang masih menggunakan sistem tradisional ini mengajar (di jenjang sekolah tinggi kita anggap memberikan informasi) dengan sangat lambat dan tidak seiring dengan perkembangan IT. Sistem konvensional ini seharusnya sudah ditinggalkan sejak ditemukannya media komunikasi multimedia. Karena sifat Internet yang dapat dihubungi setiap saat, artinya siswa dapat memanfaatkan program-program pendidikan yang disediakan di jaringan Internet kapan saja sesuai dengan waktu luang mereka sehingga kendala ruang dan waktu yang mereka hadapi untuk mencari sumber belajar dapat teratasi. Dengan perkembangan pesat di bidang teknologi telekomunikasi, multimedia, dan informasi; mendengarkan ceramah, mencatat di atas kertas sudah tentu ketinggalan jaman.

* kawan2, drpd artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahawa penggunaan teknologi & inovasi menjadi sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia di era ini.........

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hye everyone......

It has a very2 long time i never update my blog....well, it's all due to the load of works that i had....It's good now that i had came back to update my personal blog.....Dear friends, now i am in my third year of my degree......4 dis semester i am taking another interesting subject that could improve my soft skills...the subject is called "Teknologi &Inovasi dalam Pendidikan"...I really hope that i could learn a lot of new things and gain many experience in exploring this techno world.....

Hope 2 c u guys with another new update of this techno world...Till then...bubye.........

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Posting 6

Posting 6 : Posting 6 Dear students please answer these questions and post them in your blog as posting 6. BLOG QUESTIONNAIRE-SKBP 1023 Age: Tutorial Group: LECTURER _____ 1. Do you enjoy blogging? Yes ____________ NO_________________ IF YES OR NO please explain why: 2.Based on your experience what is the benefit of blogging? 3.Do you need more assistance to set up your blog ? Yes ____________ NO_________________ If YES Please explain on what aspect : 4.Do you have any memorable/favorite topic in your blog? Yes ____________ NO_________________ If YES Please list which topic ? 5.List 5 advantages of blogging for you 6.List 5 disadvantages of blogging 7.Will you continue blogging after the course? Yes ____________ NO_________________ If Yes or No Please explain why : 8.Do you think that blogging improve your writing? Yes ____________ NO_________________ 9.Do you think that we should continue with blogging activity for the next batch of students? Yes ____________ NO_________________ 10.Will you recommend your friend to blog Yes ____________ NO_________________ 11.Can you teach a friend to set up his or her blog Yes ____________ NO________________


Age: 22 Group: 2 Lecturer: Dr.Zaini Amir

1. Do you enjoy blogging?

Yes, because I have learnt a lot of new things that I did not know before this. Bloging has widen my knowkedge. Other than that, I also enjoy blogging because it is an interesting activity for me that I enjoy myself.

2.Based on your experience what is the benefit of blogging?

As for me, I feel that blogging could improve the users'writing skills, vocabulary and their general knowledge. In addition, I also learn how to be patient in posting and receiving comments from the others' in our blog.

3.Do you need more assistance to set up your blog ?

I guess no. It is because, I have already learn the exact way of setting up a blog from my Bahasa and Teknologi Maklumat subjrct. In addition, I have also learnt it from my peers and relations on the way of setting up a blog.

4.Do you have any memorable/favorite topic in your blog?

Yes. They are the article on tips to be happy and my favourite poem. These two topic seem to interest me because it tend to release my tense and stress that I used to face throughout this semester.

5.List 5 advantages of blogging for you.

For me, the advantages are:

  • Improve my writing skills, in the sense of vocabulary and exact way of writing.

  • Widen my knowledge, in general and current issue.

  • Teaches me many new features that I am not familiar with before this.

  • Enhance me to communicate in English language.

  • Could make new friends where I can know many people all around the world.

6.List 5 disadvantages of blogging

As for me, I don't think there are many disadvantages of blogging. It might be that way because I am a new blogger. The disadvantages are:

  • In blogging, some bloggers tend to use harsh and rude words that could hurt other people's feelings.

  • Maybe, when we express our feelings and emotions through our blogs, many individuals would know about it. It is no longer private anymore.

7.Will you continue blogging after the course?

Yes, of course. It is because I enjoy blogging and it is a way for me to keep in touch with my lovely friends. Thus, I also would continue blogging to increase my language proficiency level in English language.

8.Do you think that blogging improve your writing?

Yes. It is because it would practice me in using the correct and exact way of writing. Other than that, blogging would also help in a way in enhancing me to use all vocabularies that could be understood by all the readers who read it.

9.Do you think that we should continue with blogging activity for the next batch of students?

Yes, because blogging has many advantages that could be very useful for all students in many area. In addition, blogging is also an activity that could reduce our temper whenever we are tensed or stressed in our daily routines.

10.Will you recommend your friend to blog

Yes, because it is a way for me to keep in touch with him or her rather than using e-mais and phone calls. Blogging will also make me close to my friend where I could check and respong my blog daily.

11.Can you teach a friend to set up his or her blog

Yes, but just the ordinary one, because I am not an expert person in setting up a blog. I just know the basic one that have been taught to me Bahasa dan Teknologi Maklumat, my peers and not forgetting my relatives.

Posting 5- Summary of the articles (B)

Article 1

This article is basically about the benefits that the users could gain from concordance. Those benefits are; it could organize and manage immense volumes of litigation data and OCR text, lessen the time and cost of document review with features that import, search and organize e-mail and other electronic devices documents fastly and accurately. In addition, it could also fastly browse all types of litigation documents with power and precision where it has flexible seraching simultaneously. Other than that, it can also manage transcripts more efficiently and perform easy bulk import and export of plain text and PCF files, which retain original formatting. Last but not least, it can also produce accurately formatted, customized reports for fact review and trial preparation, including witness kits, case chronology, privilege logs, questions and answers sets, annotations, production history reports and more.

My own view
In my opinion, all those benefits that has been mentioned above could be effective and beneficial for all those individuals especially students in their learning process. It is because all the benefits are clearly stated and they are all easy to be understood by the readers.
Article 2
This article was taken from a journal. It is about some considerations concerning encoding and concoding texts. The writer inform the readers that diverse needs to be in among those who use
computers in humanities research and instruction but, it tend to have a lot of difficulties. The difficulty, of course, is that significance in one area is not necessarily significance in another. A computationally easy project may be of importance in a particular discipline and should not be assigned cavalierly to the computational hell of the "trivial." In addition, a kind of backlash in favor of computer research in the humanities are to show the largest danger--that of complacency, especially for university students where there is a substantialgroup of computing humanists. Thus, the best way for any project, as well as for this discussion of encoding and concording texts, is Wisbey's observation that it "appears sensible to adapt one's approach to the needs of a particular text, "'where it is being shown primarily by one's intimate knowledge of that text. This requires a much more flexible approach to humanistic computing than is usual. To summarize, it could be said that whatever that is in a text we want or need to encode depends in great part upon what we
wish to do. (MICHAEL J.)

My own view

As for me, based on the article, I feel that the correct and exact work in concording something, it all depends on how we organize it. If we organize in a correct manner, then it would be smooth and understandable and vice verca.

Posting 5- Concordance articles links (A)

Hello everyone,

For posting number 5, I have decided to provide the link of the articles that I interesting on the topic "concordance". Therefore, here are the links of those articles........Happy reading.......

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dinner at Dato Onn College (19 March 2009)

Hye friends,

Well, here are some pictures of mine that I would like to share with all of you. I hope that you would enjoy viewing it and kindly leave comments.
Thank you.

Problems on posting 4

Dear Dr.Zaini,

In order to complete my posting 4, I have a problem on it. It is, I could not find the way to

the link for my long articles. Hence, really hope that you kindly consider my problem

and accept
my assignments.

Thank you.